Copybush German Shepherds reside in South Wales where a
short walk takes you to the Sea Wall with views across
the Bristol Channel. We have room for more but
prefer to be a small kennel with regards to the numbers
kept and have always bred for quality not quantity,
selecting top class males such as VA Odin v Tannenmeise,
VA Hoss v Hasenborn, VA Fando v Sudblick and more
recently VA Huppy v Arlett, VA Orbit v Tronje and Whisky
v Bierstadter Hof, to achieve our aim. We are
justifiably proud to have produced Best In Show All
Breed and Ticket Winners along with 3 Champions,at home
and abroad, from little more than a handful of litters,
proving that careful selection along with in depth
research and correct rearing achieves results.
Our German Shepherds enjoy over 10 acres in which to run
and play freely which helps to ensure they are fit in
both body and mind. We are one of the few kennels
in the UK to train their German Shepherds for both the
Breed ring and for Schutzhund. All are microchipped and
hip scored, (now under the German 'a' stamp) are blood
tested for DNA and our males are tested clear of
Haemophilia. We do not have lines to those known to be
producing epilepsy, either on or off the pedigree!
Regular trips to Germany enables us to keep abreast of the
latest developments within the world of German Shepherd
Dogs. Glynis has on numerous occassions acted as
stenographer for overseas judges [including SV] at major
shows including the Sieger show.
A Championship show judge, Glynis has judged the breed at home and
overseas including New Zealand and Australia.
For further information, which will receive prompt
attention, please
contact us. |